On the 1st of July 2022, the Food Regulations were amended in Mauritius and the Best Before date was finally separated from the expiry date in the law. Moreover, the sale and donation of products past their Best Before date is since then possible. While this is an enormous step forward that could not have been achieved without the government's support, this is only the beginning of our journey.

The Pact on Date Labels

What’s the difference between the Expiry date and the Best Before date? Many of us don’t and that does not come as a surprise. Today, date labels are confusing and there is not enough education around them. Worst, it is estimated that this lack of understanding alone accounts for up to 20% of food waste.

But we’re changing that!

Today, FoodWise is teaming up with the biggest Mauritian food companies to reduce food waste caused by date labels. How will we do that? By shifting the habits and practices at a national level and giving the power to every actor in the food chain to become a driver of change.

Our eight commitments

Participating brands have taken 8 engagements:


1/ Launch and support widespread communication on date labels

2/ Enable a wide dematerialised access to awareness on date labels

3/ Include food waste reduction in the mission and objectives of your teams


4/ Substitute Expiry date labels with Best Before date labels on products wherever possible

5/ Raise awareness on the Best Before date directly on the product


6/ Commit to sell or donate products after their Best Before date

7/ Implement and contribute to zero-waste stands in supermarkets for the selling of products past their Best Before date


8/ Participate to working groups to help push the fight on food waste caused by date labels

Join the Pact!