Get access to free food
Every charity’s goal is to change the lives of its beneficiaries. We help you do that by giving you access to a free and reliable supply source. More than that, we also provide you with the support needed so that donations are not seen as a handout but as a way to empower people.
Together we assess your needs in terms of food so that we can plug you into our network. Based on what your beneficiaries most need, the donations we receive from food partners will be redistributed to your NGO.

You request
Do your beneficiaries need better access to good quality food?

We connect
We match your needs with a food partner within our network. Once there is a match, we collect the donation from our partners and deliver it to you.

You receive
You collect the food, store it in the appropriate conditions, and redistribute it to your beneficiaries.

You empower
We believe that every NGO we collaborate with will use food as a way to empower people.

"One of our biggest goals is to ensure the protection of children and this would be impossible without giving priority to their nutrition. Before we started working with FoodWise, it used to cost us over Rs 300,000 per year to provide this. Now we don't have to constantly raise funds to provide food for our beneficiaries and can allocate more time and money to our core missions."